Triangle IP

How Triangle IP’s TIP Tool Streamlined Innovation for a Leading Global Tech Company

For any innovation driven company seeking to maintain market dominance, attract investment, For any innovation-driven company seeking to maintain market dominance, attract investment, or expand its market presence, building a robust patent portfolio is essential. 

However, the path from capturing innovative ideas to enforcing patents is complex and challenging. It requires a frictionless innovation capture process to encourage idea sharing and a purpose-built innovation management system in place to ensure no valuable innovation is missed. It also calls for seamless coordination across various roles and departments to pursue only promising ideas for patenting.

Among the many enterprises facing these challenges is a leading global tech company based in Silicon Valley. Renowned for its pioneering contributions to technology, the company was nonetheless struggling with the complexities of patent mining—a crucial process for identifying valuable ideas worthy of patent protection.

Through this case study, we explore how this tech giant transformed their struggle into strength and transformed its patent mining process with Triangle IP’s TIP Tool™.

The Challenge: Loss of Patentable Ideas and Inefficient Tracking

Despite having a decent-sized R&D team, the company struggled with effectively tracking these ideas. Valuable innovations were sometimes overlooked, while some were rushed near product releases. Ideas were slipping through the cracks widened by the use of disparate tools like emails, spreadsheets, or other makeshift methods, where critical information was often lost at various stages of development and review.

Moreover, by limiting idea submission to the R&D team alone, the company was missing out on valuable input from other departments, particularly from the customer-facing teams, who often have direct customer interactions and know what customers actually need. This lack of enterprise-wide participation not only led to a diminished pool of patentable ideas but also reduced the overall quality of submissions.

To tackle these multifaceted issues, the company’s leadership recognized the urgent need for a more easy-to-use and integrated system for their idea and patent management program.

The Solution: Implementing Triangle IP’s TIP ToolTM

Triangle IP’s TIP ToolTM provided a comprehensive solution tailored to address these pain points. The tool’s intuitive drag-and-drop interface, real-time collaboration features, and predictive analytics transformed the company’s patent management process.

Here’s how:

1. Capturing Quality Invention Disclosures

The simplicity of the TIP ToolTM idea capture form, with its standard(easily understandable) fields, enabled the company’s inventors to quickly and effectively document their innovative ideas. This approach ensured that even individuals least familiar with patent terminology could effectively contribute. Furthermore, the tool’s customizable features allowed the company to add specific fields tailored to capture details pertinent to their strategic goals, ensuring that no critical information was overlooked and aiding in the thorough documentation of each innovation.

2. Facilitating Real-Time Collaboration

The TIP ToolTM enabled seamless collaboration among innovators, co-inventors, and managers, not only within a single department but across multiple departments. Real-time editing, commenting, and discussion features ensured comprehensive documentation and refinement of ideas, fostering enterprise-wide participation and enhancing the overall quality of the disclosures.

3. Tracking Patent Progress

The tool allowed for tracking every stage of the patent process, from ideation to patent filing. Automatic notifications and updates kept the company’s stakeholders informed, reducing delays and ensuring a smooth workflow.

4. Predicting Patent Success and Costs

Predictive analytics provided insights into the likelihood of patent success and associated costs. This feature enabled informed decision-making, allowing the company to focus resources on the most promising ideas.

The Results: Significant Improvements in Patent Mining

Predictive analytics provided insights into the likelihood of patent success and associated costs. This feature enabled informed decision-making, allowing the company to focus resources on the most promising ideas.

The Results: Significant Improvements in Patent Mining

Implementing Triangle IP’s TIP ToolTM led to substantial improvements in the company’s patent management process:

30% Increase in Idea Submissions: Enterprise-wide accessibility significantly increased the number of invention disclosures submitted across the company.

95% Quality Ideas Processed for Patenting: Enhanced collaboration and rigorous internal vetting sorted the ideas with the highest patent potential to move further.

25% Reduction in Time from Idea Capture to Patent Filing: Streamlined processes and real-time updates reduced delays, accelerating the patent filing timeline.

20% Increase in Patent Success Rate: Predictive analytics enabled better decision-making, focusing resources on the most promising ideas.

Key Features and Benefits

Triangle IP’s TIP ToolTM offered several features that made a significant impact:

Simple Idea Capture FormEnabled quick and effective documentation of innovations using standard, easy-to-understand fields.
Real-Time CollaborationFacilitated instant editing, commenting, and discussion, enhancing idea development.
Enterprise-Wide ParticipationEncouraged contributions from all departments, not limited to R&D.
Track Patent ProgressAllowed tracking from ideation to filing with automatic notifications for updates.
Case Analytics & Cost PredictionHelped plan the IP budget effectively by forecasting costs for each patent.

Future Plans with TIP ToolTM

The company has seen a transformative improvement in managing its IP portfolio, now prompting further integration of TIP Tool™’s advanced features. 

Seeing how we’ve transformed our approach to really hone in on the most valuable patents has been incredible. It’s why we’re all in on pushing even further with TIP Tool™,” stated the IP Manager of the Company.

Motivated by these results, they are set to leverage additional tools like examiner analytics to refine their patent strategies further.


Our experience with the TIP Tool™ has truly revolutionized how we handle patentable ideas,” shared the Innovation Manager. “We’ve cut down the time it took to file a patent by 25% and increased our success rate by 20%. It’s clear—this tool isn’t just a part of our process; it’s driving our success.

Triangle IP’s TIP Tool™’s transformative impact on patent management underscores its critical role for technology companies worldwide. It provides a powerful, efficient way to enhance decision-making and secure robust patent portfolios.

To experience how the TIP Tool™ can transform your patent management, sign up for a free trial and start building a stronger patent portfolio today.

About Triangle IP

Triangle IP is at the forefront of intellectual property management, offering cutting-edge solutions to streamline and demystify the patent process. With a foundation built on the expertise of IP strategy veterans, Triangle IP is committed to empowering businesses of all sizes to manage their most valuable assets efficiently.

About The TIP ToolTM

Developed by Triangle IP, the TIP Tool™ is a cloud-based platform revolutionizing patent management. It features an intuitive drag-and-drop interface and real-time analytics, making it accessible for enterprises of all scales. This tool enhances strategic decision-making and collaboration, ensuring a seamless management of the patent lifecycle from conception to protection.

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