Triangle IP

Take data driven decisions to make the most of your patenting budgets

Learn How Patent Data Backs Your Patenting Decisions

Patent Only if Invention Stands a Good Chance

Determine the chances of your success at the patent office with the intelligence that the TIP tool gathers by studying millions of applications.

Allocate IP Budget Based on Predicted Patent Costs

Find out how much will a patent cost you over the years inclusive of filing fee, attorney fee, maintenance fee, etc.

Fast Track Your Patent Application based on product/feature roll-outs

Predefined workflow process within the tool helps you to track your ideas through various stages of your evaluation and filing process.

Know Your Examiner Better To Prosecute Efficiently

Choose the right course of action by knowing how an examiner might respond to it. Use analytics to prosecute patent applications efficiently.

Is your patent application stalled at the patent office?

After applying for a patent there is typically a long wait. A wait that’s filled with uncertainty and unanswered questions. 

Take the uncertainty out by requesting an analytics report on your case today!

Get Started Today

Try the TIP Tool for free for 1 month. No credit card required.