Triangle IP

How Triangle IP’s TIP Tool Increased Patent Allowance Rates by 30% for a Leading Global Tech Company

Patent prosecution can be a complex and opaque process, where success hinges not just on an invention’s merit but also on a well thought-out patent prosecution strategy. This complexity often involves navigating scenarios where the outcome may significantly depend on the tendencies of the assigned examiner and the expertise of the patent counsel. Such variability introduces unpredictability, complicating the path to patent approval.

In this challenging environment, a leading technology company based in Silicon Valley found itself struggling with these very issues. To overcome them, they turned to Triangle IP’s TIP Tool™, seeking to refine their patent prosecution strategy through better data-driven insights.

This case study will explore how the TIP Tool™ enabled the company to gather critical intelligence, streamline its patent application processes, and achieve more predictable and favorable outcomes, transforming the daunting task of patent prosecution into a more manageable and successful endeavor.

The Challenge: Insufficient Actionable Intelligence for Patent Prosecution

Despite possessing a robust pipeline of innovations, the company struggled with the inherent uncertainties of the patent prosecution process. The challenges included uncertainty about the likelihood of patent allowance,  unpredictable costs associated with patent applications, and deciding which innovations to select for patenting from the pool that  might be successfully allowed. 

There was also concern about whether their existing patent counsel had the expertise to handle patent applications in that particular art unit with a significant success rate. These uncertainties made it challenging for the leadership to make well-informed decisions regarding their patent prosecution strategy.

In their pursuit of enhanced patent prosecution efficiency, the team learned about the TIP Tool™ from this blog on Triangle IP. Intrigued, they arranged for an in-person demo with Triangle IP. During this session, the Triangle IP experts first took the time to understand the company’s specific challenges and pain points in patent prosecution. They then demonstrated how the TIP Tool™ could offer actionable insights on the likelihood of patenting, as well as analytics on patent counsel and examiner behavior. These insights promised to bring a transformational change to the company’s patent prosecution strategies, aligning them more closely with their strategic goals.

The Solution: Implementing Triangle IP’s TIP ToolTM

Triangle IP’s TIP ToolTM provided a comprehensive solution by offering actionable intelligence and analytics needed to navigate the patent prosecution process effectively. 

Here’s how the TIP ToolTM helped:

Patent prosecution involves office actions and responses. The TIP Tool™ analyzed historical data on examiners and patent counsel, allowing the company to efficiently assess the likelihood of patent approval, forecast costs, and strategically allocate resources. This not only saved time but also minimized unnecessary expenditures associated with prolonged or unsuccessful patent applications.

Examiner Analytics

Applications are assigned to examiners with specific backgrounds. Some examiners are lenient, while others are strict. The TIP ToolTM provided analytics on the examiner’s allowance rates and typical rounds of prosecution. For example, an examiner with a low allowance rate and a history of multiple rounds of arguments indicated a costly and lengthy prosecution process. This intelligence allowed decision-makers to allocate resources more effectively.

Patent Counsel Performance

The TIP ToolTM also analyzed the patent counsel’s track record in the relevant technology field. While most patent lawyers perform within a normal range, some had extraordinary success or failure rates. This insight helped the company determine whether to continue with its current counsel or consider alternatives.

The Results: Strategic and Informed Decisions

By leveraging the TIP ToolTM, the company made more informed decisions, leading to better outcomes:

40% Increase in Strategic Patent Filings: Focused on high-potential patents based on examiner analytics and predictive insights.

35% Reduction in Prosecution Costs: Optimized resource allocation and reduced back-and-forth with low allowance rate examiners.

30% Higher Patent Allowance Rate: Improved decision-making with detailed examiner and counsel performance data.

Key Features and Benefits

Triangle IP’s TIP ToolTM offered several features that significantly enhanced the patent prosecution strategy:

Cost and Success PredictionsOffered predictive analytics on costs and success rates, enabling informed resource allocation.
Patent Counsel AnalyticsAnalyzed the counsel’s performance in the relevant technology field, guiding the choice of representation.
Examiner AnalyticsProvided detailed insights into examiner track records, helping predict prosecution challenges.


The TIP Tool™ has fundamentally changed how we manage our patent prosecution,” said the company’s CEO. “It significantly improved our success rates and reduced our costs. Honestly, it feels like we’ve found a transformational tool in navigating the patent process.”

Such profound impact of Triangle IP’s TIP Tool™ on patent prosecution demonstrates its essential role for innovation driven companies facing the intricate process of securing patent approvals. By providing actionable intelligence and detailed analytics, it empowers firms to optimize their patent prosecution strategy and achieve higher success rates in patent applications.

Discover how the TIP Tool™ can revolutionize your patent prosecution process. Sign up for a free trial today and take control of your intellectual property strategy.

About Triangle IP

Triangle IP is at the forefront of intellectual property management, offering cutting-edge solutions to streamline and demystify the patent process. With a foundation built on the expertise of IP strategy veterans, Triangle IP is committed to empowering businesses of all sizes to manage their most valuable assets efficiently.

About The TIP ToolTM

Developed by Triangle IP, the TIP Tool™ is a cloud-based platform that revolutionizes patent management. It features an intuitive drag-and-drop interface and real-time analytics, making it accessible for enterprises of all scales. This tool enhances strategic decision-making and collaboration, ensuring a seamless management of the patent lifecycle from conception to protection.

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